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Broadly defined, I am interested in using passive source seismic techniques to image the structure of the crust and upper mantle of the Earth. My research goals can be summarized by the question “How are tectonic events manifested in the character of the lithosphere?”.

I work on developing new approaches to obtain tomographic models that better image subsurface structure, primarily using receiver functions and surface wave dispersion data. I have applied these imaging techniques to a variety of locations to understand problems pertaining to:

  1. the role of fluids in subduction zone processes
  2. the character of lithospheric-scale magmatic systems
  3. the processes related to the terminal stages of subduction in the Tethyan system
  4. the longevity and relative stability of cratonic crust

I am an assistant professor in Purdue University's Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences alongside fellow seismologist Xiaotao Yang. We are both looking for motivated graduate students to help us build our Computational Seismology and Tectonics group and maintain the already strong reputation for seismology at Purdue. Don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.

Featured Publications:

Herr, B. (G), Delph J.R. (2023) “Constraining the Lithospheric Discontinuity Structure beneath Hawai’i using Teleseismic Receiver Functions J. Geophys. Res., 128,

Whitney D.L., Delph J.R., Thomson S.N., Beck S.L., Brocard G.Y., Cosca M.A., Darin M.H., Kaymakci N., Meijers M.J.M., Okay A.I., Rojay B., Teyssier C., Umhoefer P.J. (2023) “Breaking plates: Creation of the East Anatolian fault, the Anatolian plate, and a tectonic escape system” Geology, 

Delph, J.R., Thomas, A.M., Levander, A., 2021, "Subcretionary tectonics: Linking variability in the expression of subduction along the Cascadia forearc" Earth. planet. Sci. Lett.

Delph, J.R., Shimizu, K., Ratschbacher B.C., 2021, "The architecture of the southern Puna magmatic system: integrating seismic and petrologic observations with geochemical modeling" J. Geophys. Res.

Most Recent Publications:

Delph JR, Darin MH, Whitney DL, Cosca MA, Teyssier C, Kaymakci N, Eken T, Reid MR, & Beck SL (2024) “Deep lithospheric controls on surface deformation and seismicity around the East Anatolian Fault Zone and A3 Triple Junction”, 34(8), p. 4-12, GSA Today,

Portner DE, Delph JR, Kiser E, Abers G, Levander A, Pang G “Validation of Ps-P tomography for obtaining crustal Vp/Vs through application to the Mount St. Helens magmatic system”, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2024JB029642,

Jonathan R. Delph