N2O emission
Spatial patterns of soil N2O emission under natural vegetation in year 2000.(see Zhuang Q. et al., 2011, Atmospheric Environment)

Water table depth
Water table distribution for the validation site and its watershed on August 2rd, 2004.(see Lu X. et al., 2012, JGR)

Bioenergy crops
Harvestable biomass (HBIO) and annual evapotranspiration (EET) of bioenergy crops.(See Zhuang, Q., et al., 2013, Environ. Res. Lett.)

Spatial distribution of wetlands over the northern high latitudes, overlaid by CH4 flux sites.(See Zhu, X., et al., 2013, Global Biogeochem. Cy.)

Climate forcing and NEP
Spatial distribution of decadal mean air temperature, precipitation and NEP in the 1960s(a), 1980s(b), 2000s(c). (See Xui, X., et al., 2012, Climatic Change)

Alaska vegetation covers
The Alaska Vegetation Distribution Map with white spruce, black spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen, and balsam popular.(See He, Y., et al., 2013, JGR)

Permafrost extent
Fractional change in near-surface permafrost extent under various climate projections.(See Gao, X., et al., 2013, Environ. Res. Lett.)

Soil thermal dynamics
(a)Modeled soil temperatures; (b) measured soil temperatures and (c) residuals.(see Jiang, Y. et al., 2012, JGR)
About Us

The website is about activities and works in the Ecosystems & Biogeochemical Dynamics Laboratory (EBDL), which is directed by Prof. Qianlai Zhuang at the Departments of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences and the Department of Agronomy, Purdue University. Comments and questions to liu2858@Purdue.edu or qzhuang@Purdue.edu. The lab is located in HAMP 4287, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Research Interests
The lab is dedicated to researching the interactions among atmosphere, biosphere, and human dimension in the context of climate change, chemical element cycles, and policy-making. To study these interactions, a systems approach that integrates the basic principles of biology, physics, and chemistry is used; the knowledge derived from field and laboratory experiments is integrated with the state-of-the-art ecosystems and biogeochemistry models and atmospheric climate and chemistry models; the data of biosphere and atmosphere obtained from field and in-situ measurements and satellite observations are fused with the numerical models. See opportunities in our lab.