





  • Conditions for basal melting of water at the south pole of Mars [Sori and Bramson 2019Egea-González et al. 2022]
  • Modeling of ice stability in the mid-latitudes of Mars [Bramson et al. 2017
  • A phenomenological model for spiral trough migration which reproduces observations [Bramson et al. 2019; Izquierdo et al. 2023]
  • Temperature-dependent modification of possible cryovolcanic features on Ceres -- viscous flow rates are slow enough at the location of Ahuna Mons that it would remain identifiable as a cryovolcanic feature today, given the expected young age of the dome [Sori et al. 2017a] and can be used to constrain the cryovolcanic rates on Ceres throughout time [Sori et al. 2018]
  • Carbon dioxide ice transport and stability on the Uranian moons -- prediction that the bright spot observed by Voyager 2 inside the crater Wunda is a deposit of CO2 ice [Sori et al. 2017b]
  • Origin of geologically recent flow units in Hrad Vallis, Mars and evidence that pāhoehoe‐like lava flows could have interacted with ground ice in the region to generate meltwater and steam [Hamilton et al. 2018]
  • iSALE modeling of terraced craters in Arcadia Planitia, Mars to constrain possible ice layer properties [Martellato et al. 2020
  • An endogenic source for volatiles and 'reddish' features on Pluto's moon Charon and KBOs [Menten et al. 2022]




  • Geophysical survey (including GPR, seismic profiles, and gravity data) of the Kentland impact crater in northwest Indiana (collaboration with Doug Schmitt, Peter James, and others)
  • Modeling and laboratory experiments of ice sintering processes in non-terrestrial environments (project led by Jamie Molaro)
  • Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and ice-coring of the Langjökull Glacier in Iceland (project led by Lynn Carter and colleagues)
  • Mapping lava flow margins with differential GPS at Holuhraun, Iceland (led by Christopher Hamilton) [EOS Report]
  • Fractal dimension of lava flow margins at Craters of the Moon (project led by Ethan Schaefer, with field campaign run by NASA's FINESSE program) [Schaefer et al. 2021]




  • Assistant Co-Chair of the Measurement Definition Team for International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM), a concept being considered in a partnership between NASA, the Italian Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency [FINAL REPORT; About I-MIM: NASA Press Release]
  • Co-I for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's Mini-RF instrument team, Extended Science Mission 5
  • Deputy PI of CryptEx, a PRISM3 proposal to explore buried lava flows on the Moon [Bramson et al. 2023 abstract]
  • Planning for human presence on Mars using SpaceX Starship [Heldmann et al. 2021; Starship Landing Sites: Golombek et al. 2021 abstract]
  • Co-I on COMPASS (Climate Orbiter for Mars Polar Atmospheric and Subsurface Science), a Discovery-class mission concept [Byrne et al. 2020 abstract]
  • Team member on MORIE (Mars Orbiter for Resources, Ice, and Environments), a NASA funded Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023 decadal survey [Calvin et al. 2021; NASA MEPAG presentation]
  • A science case for spacecraft exploration of the Uranian moons [Cartwright et al. 2021]
  • Project Manager for our NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer School team in which we developed a mission concept for a Uranian orbiter featuring a low-cost instrument suite [Elder et al. 2018]
  • Involved in synthesis teams to summarize scientific advancements and priorities for future investigations within the Mars Polar science community [Diniega, Smith, and Bramson 2019Smith et al. 2018; Becerra et al. 2021]