Ecosystems & Biogeochemical Dynamics Laboratory - NASA-MDI - Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences - Purdue University Skip to main content


High-resolution mapping of dynamic inundation in boreal wetlands for carbon and hydrological studies on seasonal to interannual scales

Award Amount:$152,909 out of $450,280

Qianlai Zhuang, PI in collaboration with: Seung-bum Kim (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Project Objectives

The objectives of the proposed research are:

  1. development and validation of high-resolution inundation mask in the boreal region,
  2. reduce the uncertainty in modeling methane emission in the boreal region, and
  3. studies of seasonal-to-interannual changes in methane emission.

Acknowledging the absence of high-resolution routine database of boreal waterbodies, the proposal will enable the methane science that will be hard to perform rigorously without this product. These objectives are highly relevant to the NRA by addressing the following priorities:

  1. develop a new method to help the study of the water and carbon cycles, especially on those topics that deal with the intersections of these cycles;
  2. utilization of SMAP products for process studies;
  3. new algorithms – novel topics: pursue high priority gaps in our global observing system.