Selected Publications
Go to my Google Scholar Page for a complete list of publications.
- Lifton, N., Wilson, J., Koester, A., 2023. Technical note: Studying Li-metaborate fluxes and extraction protocols with a new, fully automated in situ cosmogenic 14C processing system at PRIME Lab. Geochronology 5, 361-375.
- Mas e Braga, M., Jones, R.S., Bernales, J., Andersen, J.L., Fredin, O., Morlighem, M., Koester, A.J., Lifton, N.A., Harbor, J.M., Suganuma, Y., Glasser, N.F., Rogozhina, I., Stroeven, A.P., 2023. Antarctic ice stream thickening under Pliocene warmth. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 321.
- Andersen, J.L., Newall, J.C., Fredin, O., Glasser, N.F., Lifton, N.A., Stuart, F.M., Fabel, D., Caffee, M., Pedersen, V.K., Koester, A.K., Suganuma, Y., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P., 2023. A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 9.
- Koester, A.J., Lifton, N.A., 2023. Technical note: A software framework for calculating compositionally dependent in situ 14C production rates. Geochronology, 5(1), 21–33.
- Slosson, J.R., Hoke, G.D., Lifton, N., 2022. Non-steady-state 14C-10Be and transient hillslope dynamics in steep high mountain catchments. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(24).
- Suganuma, Y., Kaneda, H., Braga, M. M. e, Ishiwa, T., Koyama, T., Newall, J. C., Okuno, J., Obase, T., Saito, F., Rogozhina, I., Andersen, J.L., Kawamata, M., Hirabayashi, M., Lifton, N.A., Fredin, O., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P., Abe-Ouchi, A., 2022. Regional sea-level highstand triggered Holocene ice sheet thinning across coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 273.
- Mas e Braga, M., Jones, R.S., Newall, J.C.H., Rogozhina, I., Andersen, J.L., Lifton, N.A., and Stroeven, A.P., 2021. Nunataks as barriers to ice flow: implications for palaeo ice sheet reconstructions. The Cryosphere 15, 4929–4947.
- Andersen, J.L., Newall, J.C., Blomdin, R., Sams, S.E., Fabel, D.G., Koester, A.J., Stuart, F.M., Lifton, N.A., Fredin, O., Caffee, M.W., Glasser, N.F., Rogozhina, I., Suganuma, Y., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P., 2020. Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106636. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106636
- Graham, B.L., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D., Lifton, N.A., Bennike, O., in press. New in situ 14C data indicate the absence of nunataks in West Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews.
- Pendleton, S., Miller, G., Lifton, N., Young, N., 2019. Cryosphere response resolves conflicting evidence for the timing of peak Holocene warmth on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 216, 107–115. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.05.015
- Pendleton, S.L., Miller, G.H., Lifton, N., Lehman, S.J., Southon, J., Crump, S.E., Anderson, R.S., 2019. Rapidly receding Arctic Canada glaciers revealing landscapes continuously ice-covered for more than 40,000 years. Nature Communications 10(1), 445-452. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-08307-w
- Schweinsberg, A.D., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Lifton, N.A., Bennike, O., Graham, B.L., 2018. Holocene mountain glacier history in the Sukkertoppen Iskappe area, southwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 197, 142-161. ISSN 0277-3791,
- Corbett, L.B., Bierman, P.R., Rood, D.H., Caffee, M.W., Lifton, N.A., and Woodruff, T.E., 2017. Cosmogenic 26Al/10Be surface production ratio in Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 1350–1359, doi:10.1002/2016GL071276.
- Martin, L.C.P., Blard, P.-H., Balco, G., Lavé, J., Delunel, R., Lifton, N., Laurent, V., 2017. The CREp program and the ICE-D production rate calibration database: A fully parameterizable and updated online tool to compute cosmic-ray exposure ages, Quaternary Geochronology 38, 25-49, ISSN 1871-1014,
- Beel, C.R., Lifton, N.A., Briner, J.P., Goehring, B.M., 2016. Quaternary evolution and ice sheet history of contrasting landscapes in Uummannaq and Sukkertoppen, western Greenland, Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 248-258, ISSN 0277-3791,
- Lifton, N.A., Phillips, F.M., Cerling, T.E., 2016, Using Lake Bonneville features to calibrate in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates, in Oviatt, C.G. and Schroder, J.F. (eds.) Lake Bonneville: A Scientific Update. Developments in Earth Surface Processes v. 20, Elsevier.
- Lifton, N.A., 2016. Implications of two Holocene time-dependent geomagnetic models for cosmogenic nuclide production rate scaling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 257-268.
- Bierman, P.R., Davis, P.T., Corbett, L.B., Lifton, N.A., Finkel, R.C., 2015. Cold-based, Laurentide ice covered New England’s highest summits during the Last Glacial Maximum. Geology 43(12), 1059-1062.
- Shakun, J.D., Clark, P.U., He, F., Lifton, N., Liu, Z., Otto-Bleisner, B.L., 2015. Regional and global forcing of glacier retreat during the last deglaciation. Nature Communications 6: 8059. doi:10.1038/ncomms9059
- Lifton, N.A., Goehring, B.M., Wilson, J., Kubley, T., Caffee, M., 2015. Progress in automated extraction and purification of in situ 14C from quartz: Results from the Purdue in situ 14C laboratory, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 361, 381-386.
- Hippe, K., Lifton, N., 2014. Calculating isotope ratios and nuclide concentrations for in situ cosmogenic 14C analyses. Radiocarbon 56(3) 1167–1174.
- Dunai, T., Lifton, N., 2014. The nuts and bolts of nuclide production, Elements 10, 347-350, doi: 10.2113/gselements.10.5.347
- Lifton, N., Sato, T., Dunai, T., 2014. Scaling in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates using analytical approximations to atmospheric cosmic-ray fluxes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 386 149-160
- Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., Miller, G.H., Refsnider, K., Anderson, R.K., Finkel, R., 2014. Using in situ cosmogenic 10Be, 14C, and 26Al to decipher the history of polythermal ice sheets, Quaternary Geochronology 19, 4-13.
- Granger, D.E., Lifton, N.A., Willenbring, J.K., 2013. A cosmic trip: 25 years of cosmogenic nuclides in geology (invited contribution). Geological Society of America Bulletin 125, 1379–1402.
- Goehring, B.M., Muzikar, P., and Lifton, N.A., 2013, An in situ 14C-10Be Bayesian isochron approach for interpreting complex glacial histories: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 15, p. 61–66.
- Pigati, J.S., Lifton, N.A., Jull, A.J.T., and Quade, J, 2010. A simplified in situ cosmogenic 14C extraction system, Radiocarbon. 52(2-3), 1236-1243
- Pigati, J.S., Lifton, N.A., Jull, A.J.T., and Quade, J, 2010. Extraction of in situ cosmogenic 14C from olivine, Radiocarbon. 52(2-3), 1244-1260
- Goehring, B.M., Kurz, M.D., Balco, G., Schaefer, J.M., Licciardi, J., Lifton, N., 2010. A reevaluation of in situ 3He production rates, Quat. Geochron. 5, 410-418.
- Lifton, N., Smart, D. F., and Shea, M. A., 2008. Scaling time-integrated in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates using a continuous geomagnetic model. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 268, 190-201.
- Balco, G., Stone, J.O., Lifton, N., and Dunai, T.J., 2008. A complete and easily accessible means of calculating surface exposure ages or erosion rates from 10Be and 26Al measurements. Quat. Geochron. 3, 174-195.
- Anderson, R.K., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., DeVogel, S.B., 2008, A millennial perspective on Arctic warming from 14C in quartz and plants emerging beneath ice caps, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L01502, doi: 10.1029/2007GL032057.
- Pigati, J.S., Quade, J., Wilson, J., Jull, A.J.T., and Lifton, N., 2007, Development of low-background vacuum extraction and graphitization systems for 14C dating of old (40-60 ka) samples: Quaternary International, v. 166, p. 4-14.
- Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, Limited ice-sheet erosion and complex exposure histories derived from in situ cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, and 14C on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada: Quaternary Geochronology, 1, p. 74-85.
- Lifton, N.A., Bieber, J.W., Clem, J.M., Duldig, M.L., Evenson, P., Humble, J.E., and Pyle, R., 2005, Addressing solar modulation and long-term uncertainties in scaling in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 239(1-2), p. 140-161.
- Matmon, A., Shaked, Y., Porat, N., Enzel, Y., Finkel, R., Lifton, N., Boarretto, E., and Agnon, A., 2005, Landscape development in a hyperarid sandstone environment along the margins of the Dead Sea fault: Implications from dated rock falls: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 803-817.
- Lifton, N.A., Jull, A.J.T., and Quade, J., 2001. A new extraction technique and production rate estimate for in situ 14C in quartz. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65(12): 1953-1969.