Graduate Alumni
Tanya Katzman — Chemistry
2016. Lecturer of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Carroll University:
Dissertation: The use of stable isotopes and particulate matter in the investigation of local and regional atmospheric chemistry
Wendell Walters — EAPS
2016. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Brown University:
Dissertation: Unraveling the fingerprints of NOx using stable isotopes: Implications for NOx source partitioning and oxidation chemistry
Krystin Riha PhD.
2013 Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Lab
Facebook Page
Dissertation: The use of stable isotopes to constrain the nitrogen cycle
Fan Wang, PhD.
2013. Associate Professor, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University:
LinkedIn Page
Dissertation: The mechanism and timescales of soil formation in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert, Chile
Lindsey Crawley M.cS.
2010. BASi drug discovery and development
LinkedIn Page
Thesis: Nitrogen and oxygen isotope-ratio analysis of nitrate by the denitrifier method using continuous flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry
David Mase, M.S.
2010. IT specialist Epic Systems
Facebook Page
Thesis: A coupled modeling and observational approach to understanding Oxygen-18 in atmospheric nitrate
Mike King M.S.
2013. Air Quality Specialist Southern Ute Tribe.
Thesis: Evaluating NOx sources and oxidation pathways impacting aerosol production on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation and Navajo Nation using geochemical isotopic analysis
Dan McMahon M.S.
EAPS 2014.
Thesis: Investigation of isotope effects of ozone as a function of temperature
Undergraduate Alumni
Gabby Buck
Nick Claypool
Google+ Page
Project: Ion resin purification of anions from and Antarctic ice core
Daniel Curtis
LinkedIn Page
Project: Assessment of oxygen isotopes in nitrate from the Atacama Desert.
Christa Dahman
LinkedIn Page
Project: Multiple Isotope Forensics of Nitrate in a Wild Horse Poisoning Incident (published in Forensic Science International)
Matthew Davis
Liesl Elison
EAPS Listing
Project: Mineralogical investigation of post depositional alteration of a Atacama Desert Lahar.
Huan Fang
Mark Fisher
David Geng
LinkedIn Page
Project: Is Distant Pollution Contaminating Local Air? Analyzing the Origins of Atmospheric Aerosols (Published in the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research)
Sanford Goodwin
Sylvia Hong
LinkedIn Page
Project: Bacteria reduction of nitrate as an analytical method.
Lao Huo
Project: Assessing the geochemical content of Atacama surface soils.
Katie Jochime
Project: Evaluating nitrate
Samuel Kim
Greg Kline
Notre Dame Profile Page
Chemistry: Nitrate chemistry
Michelle Kolanowski
Facebook Page
Project: Isotopic characterization of Commercial Fertilizers
Mingyu Liu
Daniel McMahon
Project: Device for sampling tropospheric O3 for isotope analysis.
Ben Nault
LinkedIn Page
Project: Assessment of soil anions in the Atacama Desert.
Patrick O’Keefe
LinkedIn Page
Project: Evaluating nitrate absorption on biomass char and charcoal.
Sam Raimann
Chemical Engineering
LinkedIn Page
Project: Using Stable Isotopes to Quantify Nitrogen Fates in Container Plants
Nur Abd Rani
Dominic Sanchez
Lexi Scorzelli
Monomouth College
Nicholas W. Seager
Health Sciences
Ji-Hye Seo
LinkedIn Page
Project: Solving the Mystery of the Atacama Nitrate Deposits: The Use of Stable Oxygen Isotope Analysis and Geochemistry (Published in the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research)
Vicky Sehrawatha
Computer Science (SURF)
LinkedIn Page
Project: Online model for predicting stable isotopes of atmospheric nitrate (winner SURF poster contest)
Damian Simonini
Bo Sun
Computer Science, Computer Engineering
LinkedIn Page
Project: Algorithm for rewriting atmospheric chemical mechanism to include isotopes.
Helen Waldschmidt
LinkedIn Page
Project: Stable isotope analysis of nitrate in Midwestern rainwater.
Ashley Wittrig
Facebook Page
Woradee Werayawarangura
LinkedIn Page
Project: Using Stable Isotopes to Quantify Nitrogen Fates in Container Plants.
Fuhe Xu
Computer Engineering (SURF)
LinkedIn Page
Project: Adding oxygen isotopes to the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism.
Esther Youn
Yanqi Yu
IU Graduate Page
Project: Ion resin purification of anions from and Antarctic ice core.
Mingyu Zhang
Shuang Zhao
Chemical Engineering
Project: Modeling stable isotope composition of nitrate in Midwestern rainwater. (winner of SURF best poster award)
Undergraduate Alumni
Sara Doans — Chemistry
Projects: The isotopic composition of ions in aerosols collected in New Zealand. Developing a collection system of trapping nitrate at trace levels. Mentor Tanya Katzman
Stanford Goodwin — Chemistry
Projects: Determining the isotopic composition of NOx emitted from automobiles. Investigating the isotope effects occurring during the evaporation of nitric acid. Mentor: Wendell Walters
Esther Youn — Chemistry
Projects: Evaluation of the sources of oxygen incorporated into nitrate during microbial nitrification. Mentor: Greg Michalski
Huan Fang — EAPS
Projects: Using MetCor and back trajectory analysis to determine source areas of air pollutants. Mentor: Greg Michalski
Damian Simonini — Chemistry
Project: Using denuder tubes to collect NO and NO2 for isotope analysis. Mentor Wendell Walters
Matthew Davis — Chemistry
Determining the isotopic composition of NOx emitted from power plants, airplanes, and small combustion engines. Mentor: Wendell Walters
Dominic Sanchez — Chemistry
Project: Determination of the amount and source of nitrate in vegetables. Mentor: Greg Michalski