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We use noble gas geochemistry to study the physical and chemical processes shaping the surfaces of Earth and other planets.

 Some of the scientific problems our work addresses include:

  • how the Earth’s climate changed during the geologic past
  • how tectonic and geomorphic processes interact to shape topography
  • the impact history of the Moon and other planetary bodies in the inner Solar System
  • rates of volcanism and interactions between volcanism and Earth’s climate system

We also conduct basic experimental research on the kinetics of noble gas diffusion in minerals, which has broad significance across both Earth and planetary science disciplines. To learn more about the current and recent research efforts of T@P, check out our Research page.

Recent Lab News

Moe's paper is published in G3

January 2025: PhD student Moe Mijjum's paper A Model Framework for Scaling Pre‐Quaternary Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates has been published in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Congratulations, Moe!

 3d rendering of meteorite CT scan

Moe's paper is published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science

January 2025: PhD student Moe Mijjum's paper Using X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) to determine subsample-specific cosmogenic noble gas production rates of E (enstatite) chondrites has been published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Congratulations, Moe!

 3d rendering of meteorite CT scan


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