Faculty & Staff Postdoctoral Researchers Graduate Students Undergraduate Students T@P Alumni
Faculty & Staff

Dr. Marissa Tremblay (she/her/hers)
Marissa is the PI of Thermochronology @ Purdue. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue. Learn more about Marissa's background and research interests here.

Dr. Ryan Ickert (he/him/his)
Ryan is a Senior Research Scientist at Purdue who spends most of his time in the Radiogenic Isotope Geology Lab but will occasionally help with projects in Thermochronology @ Purdue. He is extremely excited to add to the growing body of literature on the neon isotopic composition of air!
Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Hongcheng Guo (he/him/his)
Graduate Students

Addison Curtis (they/them/theirs)
Addison is a MS student in T@P. They are interested in isotope geochemistry, Earth history, and large-scale tectonic processes. Addison’s research focuses on applying U-Th/He and fission track thermochronology to track exhumation in eastern Washington associated with the collision of Siletzia. They are also a self-described mass spectrometry nerd! Outside of the lab, Addison enjoys taking care of their houseplants and playing with their hedgehog.
Moe Mijjum (she/her/hers)
Moe is a PhD student in T@P. She is interested in the intersection of geochemistry and planetary science, and its applications towards constraining the timing/evolution of planetary surfaces and interstellar objects. Moe’s research focuses reconstructing the thermal histories of E chondrites using cosmogenic noble gas observations, noble gas diffusion data, and orbital dynamics simulations. She is also working to constrain the duration of hiatuses between eruptions in the Deccan Traps large igneous province using paleo-exposure records from cosmogenic noble gases.

Matias Romero (he/him/his)

Wenbo Zhan (he/him/his)
Wenbo is a PhD student in T@P. He is interested in geochemistry, tectonics, and geomorphology. Specifically, he applies apatite 4He/3He and (U-Th)/He thermochronology to study upper crustal tectonics, landscape evolution history, and their correlation to the lower crustal and mantle dynamics. He is also interested in the development of thermochronology methods, such as the study of noble gas diffusion kinetics in minerals.
Undergraduate Students

Zach Rynder
Zach is working with Marissa on preparing Antarctic sandstone samples for cosmogenic 3He measurements.
Cayden Woolery
Cayden worked with Marissa and postdoc Nick Meszaros to estimate cooling rates of Deccan Traps lava flows using crystal size distributions, and now is working with MS student Addison Curtis to separate apatite and zircon crystals from Cenozoic granitoids from Washington state.
T@P Alumni
Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr. Nicholas Meszaros (current: Visiting Assistant Professor, Earlham College)Graduate Students
John Carter, PhD, University of Glasgow, 2021 (current: Postdoctoral Researcher, Berkeley Geochronology Center)
John Fink, MS, Purdue University, 2023 (current: PhD student at Boise State University)
Purdue Undergraduates
Devin Blair, Geology & Geophysics, 2021-2022
Taylor Bourikas, Postbaccalaureate Research Assistant, 2023-2024
Justin Daisey, Geology & Geophysics, 2022
Samantha Golding, Planetary Science, 2019-2020
John Herring, Geology & Gephysics and Planetary Science, 2020-2023 (current: PhD student at Iowa State University)
Brittany Linn, Chemistry, 2021 (current: PhD student at MIT)
Kamden Maddox, Planetary Science, 2023-2024
Simon Mason, Computer Science, 2020
Juliana Peckenpaugh, Planetary Science, 2020-2022 (current: PhD student at University of Hawaii)
Bethany Remian, Geology & Geophysics, 2023-2024 (current: PhD student at Indiana University)
Kevin Rivera Monserrate, Geology & Geophysics, 2022-2024
Sui Xiong Tay, Materials Science Engineering, 2022-2023 (current: PhD student at Princeton University)
Gabby Wagner, Environmental Geoscience, 2022-2023
Isabella Zuffoletti, Geology & Geophysics, 2020