College of Science Alumni Awards from the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
With thousands of alumni around the world, the College of Science has watched many former students accomplish some amazing things in the fields of new technology and life sciences. These brilliant alumni include astronaut Andrew Feustel (Solid Earth Sciences), Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ben Roy Mottelson and Yelp! SVP of Engineering Michael Stoppelman (Computer Science), just to name a few.
Every year, The College of Science honors stellar alumni from all departments. Below is a list of the Distinguished and Outstanding Alumni from the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences throughout the years.
Year |
Recipient |
Purdue Degree |
Award |
2024 | Dr. John McGinnis | BS 1982; MS 1984 | Distinguished Alumni |
2023 | Dr. Martin Doyle | PhD, 2002 | Distinguished Alumni |
2022 | Dr. Bin Wang | PhD, 1993 | Distinguished Alumni |
2020-21 | David Leary | BS, 1978 | Distinguished Alumni |
2020-21 | Dr. Aaron Goldner | PhD, 2013 | Early Career Award |
2019 | Dr. Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer | MS, 1999; PhD 2003 | Distinguished Alumni |
2019 | Dr. Gerald Krockover and Mrs. Sharon Krockover | Emeritus Faculty | Philanthropy Award |
2018 | Beverly Barnhart | MS, 1979 | Distinguished Alumni |
2017 | Dr. Ed Bensman | BS, 1983 | Distinguished Alumni |
2017 | David Leary | BS, 1978 | Outstanding Alumni |
2016 | Mark Longacre | BS, 1982 | Distinguished Alumni |
2016 | John McGinnis | BS, 1982; MS, 1984 | Outstanding Alumni |
2016 | Dr. Martin Doyle | PhD, 2002 | Outstanding Alumni |
2016 | Dr. Jiin-Shuh Jean | PhD, 1987 | Outstanding Alumni |
2015 | Dr. Richard Knabb | BS, 1990 | Distinguished Alumni |
2015 | Michele Gutenkunst Mour | MS, 2006 | Outstanding Alumni |
2015 | Dr. Dibayjyoti Tripathy | PhD, 2007 | Outstanding Alumni |
2014 | Herbert Borenstein | MS, 1979 | Distinguished Alumni |
2014 | Jeffrey Ahbe | Bs, 1976; MS, 1978 | Outstanding Alumni |
2014 | Dr. Bin Wang | PhD, 1993 | Outstanding Alumni |
2013 | Dr. Stephen Brand | MS, 1973; PhD 1976 | Distinguished Alumni |
2013 | Cynthia Hampton | BS, 1982 | Outstanding Alumni |
2013 | Dr. Anthony Lupo | MS, 1991 | Outstanding Alumni |
2013 | Jay Mitchell | MS, 1984 | Outstanding Alumni |
2013 | Dr. Jeffrey Trop | MS, 1996; PhD, 2000 | Outstanding Alumni |
2012 | Dr. Thomas Carney | BS 1971; MS 1977; PhD 1984 | Distinguished Alumni |
2012 | Dr. Budhendra Bhadur | PhD, 1998 | Outstanding Alumni |
2012 | Dr. Shankar Jayaganapathy | PhD, 1998 | Outstanding Alumni |
2012 | Melanie McQuinn | MS, 1996 | Outstanding Alumni |
2012 | Dr. Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer | MS, 1999; PhD 2003 | Outstanding Alumni |
2011 | Dr. William Gommel | PhD 1973 | Distinguished Alumni |
2011 | Paul Krishna | MS 1988 | Distinguished Alumni |
2011 | Ed Bensman | BS, 1983 | Outstanding Alumni |
2011 | Dr. Dhananjay (Tiku) Ravat | MS, 1973; PhD, 1989 | Outstanding Alumni |
2010 | Dr. Andrew Feustel | BS 1989 | Distinguished Alumni |
2010 | William Landwer | BS, 1977 | Distinguished Alumni |
2010 | Thomas Adang | BS, 1973 | Outstanding Alumni |
2010 | Beverly Barnhart | MS, 1979 | Outstanding Alumni |
2010 | Dr. Stephen Brand | MS, 1973; PhD 1976 | Outstanding Alumni |
2010 | Kurt Oschman | MS, 1984 | Outstanding Alumni |
2009 | Mark Lester | BS, 1975; MS, 1977 | Distinguished Alumni |
2009 | Marline Breece | BS, 1979 | Outstanding Alumni |
2009 | Mark Longacre | MS, 1981 | Outstanding Alumni |
2008 | David Hager | BS, 1979 | Distinguished Alumni |
2008 | Patrick Starich | MS, 1974 | Distinguished Alumni |
2008 | Angela Buchman | BS, 1996 | Outstanding Alumni |
2008 | Dr. Amalia Olivera-Riley | PhD, 1995 | Outstanding Alumni |
2008 | Dr. Franklin Roberston | MS, 1978; PhD, 1981 | Outstanding Alumni |
2007 | Dr. Terri Bowers | BS, 1977 | Distinguished Alumni |
2007 | Frank Kornegay | BS, 1973; MS, 1975 | Outstanding Alumni |
2007 | Dr. Ralph Von Frese | MS, 1973; MS, 1978; PhD, 1980 | Outstanding Alumni |
2007 | Mark Lester | BS, 1975; MS, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
2007 | Michael Sabones | BS, 1973 | Outstanding Alumni |
2007 | Dr. Dale Sawyer | BS, 1976 | Outstanding Alumni |
2006 | Dr. James Hurrell | MS, 1986; PhD, 1990 | Distinguished Alumni |
2006 | Dr. Terri Bowers | BS, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
2006 | David Hager | BS, 1979 | Outstanding Alumni |
2006 | Paul Krishna | MS, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
2006 | Bill Landwer | MS, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
2006 | Dr. Patricia Pauley | PhD, 1985 | Outstanding Alumni |
2005 | Dr. Guy Meadows | PhD, 1977 | Distinguished Alumni |
2005 | Dr. Syed E Hasan | PhD, 1978 | Outstanding Alumni |
2005 | Patrick Starich | MS, 1984 | Outstanding Alumni |
2004 | Dr. Lee Atkinson | BS, 1971; MS 1972 | Distinguished Alumni |
2004 | Dr. James Hurrell | PhD, 1990 | Outstanding Alumni |
2003 | Dr. Thomas Schroeder | MS, 1971; PhD, 1974 | Distinguished Alumni |
2003 | Dr. Thomas Carney | PhD, 1984 | Outstanding Alumni |
2002 | Dr. Chester Watts | PhD, 1983 | Distinguished Alumni |
2002 | Dr. Lee Atkinson | MS, 1972 | Outstanding Alumni |
2001 | Dr. Ward Sanford | BS, 1983 | Distinguished Alumni |
2001 | Dr. Abdul Shakoor | PhD, 1982 | Outstanding Alumni |
2000 | Dr. Tan-Sun (Mark) Chen | PhD, 1972 | Distinguished Alumni |
2000 | Dr. Thomas Schroeder | PhD, 1974 | Outstanding Alumni |
1999 | Dr. Greg Young | MS, 1974 | Distinguished Alumni |
1999 | Dr. Chester Watts | PhD, 1983 | Outstanding Alumni |
1998 | Ron Parratt | BS, 1970; MS 1975 | Distinguished Alumni |
1998 | Dr. Guy Meadows | PhD, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
1997 | Dr. John Snow | PhD, 1977 | Distinguished Alumni |
1997 | Dr. Ward Sanford | BS, 1983 | Outstanding Alumni |
1996 | Dr. Ed Keller | PhD, 1973 | Distinguished Alumni |
1996 | Dr. Greg Young | MS, 1974 | Outstanding Alumni |
1995 | Bill Reid | BS, 1970; MS, 1972 | Distinguished Alumni |
1995 | Dr. John Snow | PhD, 1977 | Outstanding Alumni |
1994 | Patricia Sheetz | BS, 1975 | Distinguished Alumni |
1994 | Dr. Ed Keller | PhD, 1973 | Outstanding Alumni |
1993 | Bill Reid | MS, 1972 | Outstanding Alumni |
1992 | Ron Parratt | MS, 1975 | Outstanding Alumni |
1991 | Patricia Sheetz | BS, 1975 | Outstanding Alumni |