EAPS Lab Safety
Contact Dr. Ryan Ickert for any EAPS-related safety questions.
Integrated Safety Plan (ISP) Spring 2025:
Every year, EAPS needs to undergo ISP certification. This requires actions by every member of EAPS that oversee offices, classrooms, common-spaces, and laboratories. Each responsibile individual is required to complete an ISP self-audit for every space under their control. Individuals with offices are responsible for their own audit.
Audits can begin April 1, 2025 and should be completed and given to Ryan Ickert by May 16, 2025, the end of the Spring Semester Academic Year.
Download the form for the ISP self audit (PDF).
Contact Dr. Ickert if you have any questions.
Members of EAPS (Faculty, Staff, Post-doctoral Researchers, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students carrying out Research in any form) depending on the their work environment must successfully complete the following training or acknowledgements:
Everyone in the Department must complete:
- Hazard Communication Awareness Training: This training is completed online and should take about 15 minutes. Please navigate to the HSI platform and self register if this is your first time using this platform at Purdue University. One you have logged in, navigate to View Catalog and search for "Hazard Communication Awareness" (or similar keywords). Note the distinction between Hazard Communication Comprehensive training and Hazard Communication Awareness training: Please complete the "Awareness" training. Once complete, please download the completion certificate (under My Transcripts) and email it to Emjai Gregory (egregor@purdue.edu).
For everyone working in laboratories:
- Labs will have either follow a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) or The Hazard Communication Standard. Your supervisor will provide you with more information on the indivdiual Plans or Programs for your lab and any lab-specific safety training.
- Everyone in a lab with a CHP must successfully complete the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals training. This training is completed online and should take about 40 minutes. Please navigate to the HSI platform and self register if this is your first time using this platform at Purdue University. One you have logged in, navigate to View Catalog and search for "Safety Fundamentals" (or similar keywords).
- You are also required to take the Laboratory Safety Refresher training annually. Please navigate to the HSI platform and self register if this is your first time using this platform at Purdue University. One you have logged in, navigate to View Catalog and search for "Refresher" (or similar keywords).
- Purdue EHS guide for researchers
- Safety Gloves Selection Guide - OSHA Personal Protective Equipment: Table on Page 26 – 29 (PDF)
- Safety Gloves Selection Guide: Office of Environment, Health & Safety, University of California, Berkeley
Emergency Preparedness
- Purdue Emergency Preparedness and Planning
- Purdue Building Emergency Plan List (requires Career Account credentials)
- Building Emergency Plan for HAMP Building, PDF version
- Purdue Emergency Procedures Handbook
Accidents Do Happen at Universities
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board has released an informative video on laboratory safety at academic institutions.
Workplace Injury Information
- What to do in case of an incident:
- Worker's compensation: steps to take if you are injured or become ill on the job
- Where to seek medical treatment
- Purdue Transportation
Safety Resources
- Purdue University Radiological and Environmental Management (REM): An organization that provides expertise in the areas of environmental, health and safety issues. First stop for Purdue EH&S information.
- Guidance Document: Minors in Research Laboratories or Animal Facilities (PDF)
- U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB): An independent federal agency that investigates chemical accidents. Excellent source for accident information and videos.
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS): CCPS is an organization within AIChE that identifies and addresses process safety needs within the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.
- American Chemical Society: Division of Chemical Health and Safety
- Dow Lab Safety Academy: Dow Lab Safety Academy is a digital learning environment that shares Dow’s outstanding industrial safety culture and practices in a quick and accessible format. Here you can access dozens of videos featuring lab safety guidelines, and a collection of useful safety resources.
Safety Committee
- Ryan Ickert – chair
- Greg Michalski
- Marty Frisbee
- Gouri Prabhakar
- Marissa Tremblay
- Lisa Welp
- Roger Bryant
- Bill Fornes
- Emjai Gregory
- Sourav Karmakar