Study Abroad - University of Leeds, Leeds, England - Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences - Purdue University Skip to main content

Study Abroad - University of Leeds, Leeds, England

Study Abroad leeds

Purdue semester:

  • Geology & Geophysics: Spring semester, sophomore or junior year
  • Atmospheric Science: Spring semester, junior year

Purdue course curriculum:

Atmospheric Science

Geology & Geophysics
Geology & Geophysics

EAPS 422 Atmos. Dynamics I
EAPS 432 Synoptic Lab II
EAPS 532 Atmospheric Physics I

EAPS 319 Exploring Earth through Time
EAPS elective

EAPS 354 Plate Tectonics

MATH or STAT Elective

Physics or Biology lab-science sequence

EAPS 309 Data Analysis Appl. in Geosciences

General Education or EAPS Elective

General Education or EAPS Elective

General Education or EAPS elective

EAPS or Free Elective

Free Elective

Free Elective

Study Abroad course replacement options:

Atmospheric Science
Geology & Geophysics
Geology & Geophysics

SOEE 3151 Dynamics of Weather Systems
SOEE 2530 Atmos. Physics

SOEE 1040 Earth History & Palaeo or SOEE 2145 Palaeocology, Palaeobiology and Evolution

Choose from electives below

Possible EAPS electives:
SOEE 2160 Climate Change: Science & Impacts
SOEE 2480 Atmos. Pollution & Environ. Change
SOEE 2350 Energy: Science and Policy
SOEE 3190 Earth Observations from Space
SOEE 3430 Air Quality: Science & Policy
SOEE 3620 Broadcast Meteorology
SOEE 3630 Strategic Energy Issues

Possible EAPS electives:
SOEE 1510 Practical Geology
SOEE 1530 Sedimentology, Stratigraphic Principles & Maps
SOEE 2075 Basin Evolution
SOEE 2050 Deformation Processes
SOEE 2450 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
SOEE 2460 Contaminated Land Studies: Integrating Business Skills & Science in Consultancy
SOEE 3135 Engineering Geology
SOEE 3190 Earth Obs from Space
SOEE 3281 Phys & Chem Hydrogeo
SOEE 3520 Geology into Schools
SOEE 3560 Field Class: Petroleum Reservoir Architect

Possible EAPS electives (plus lists to left):
SOEE 2085 Hydrocarbon & Mineral Resources
SOEE 2212 Tectonophysics
SOEE 3040 EAPSter Field Class (Geology; 3042 Environ. Geol.)
SOEE 3060 Advanced Sedimentology & Applic.
SOEE 3091 Advncs in Paleont.
SOEE 3350 Geoelectrics
SOEE 3450 Structural Geology
SOEE 3460 High-Temperature Processes in the Earth
SOEE 3480 Past Global Env Sys
SOEE 3660 Geology & Mineral Explor in N. Ireland

Select from the Liberal Arts area for general education electives or from Science for option electives

Select from the Liberal Arts area for general education electives or from Science for option electives

Select from the Liberal Arts area for general education electives or from Science for option electives

Brief Information on University of Leeds: 

Leeds is a top-ten UK research-led university in the prestigious Russell Group (universities committed to the highest levels of academic excellence in both teaching and research), with a student population over 33,000. The city of Leeds is the commercial center of the West Yorkshire urban area with a population over 1.5 million. Located within two hours of London and three hours from Edinburgh, Leeds has an acclaimed nightlife and vibrant music scene and is surrounded by culture, history, and national parks. 

Get more information on University of Leeds study abroad programs:

Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051 • Phone: (765) 494-3258 • Fax: (765) 496-1210 • Contact Us

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