Project Background
- Project Overview
- The Instruments on Board
- NASA Press Release
- Getting the Green Light: How a research program is chosen for NASA funding - Ken Jucks, NASA Program Scientist
- Project Overview - Ken Bowman, Project PI
- Ever wonder how scientists get specialized research instruments?
- Keeping NASA pilots safe during high altitude flights
- Speaking with Research Pilots from NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
- Preparing for Flight: Behind the scenes with an ER-2 crew chief
Interviews with Teams
- PALMS - NG: Researching Particulates in the Stratosphere
- Using weather balloons to research isotopes in the stratosphere generated through cosmic rays.
- DPOPS - Measuring stratospheric particles from wildfires, volcanoes, industrial and biogenic sources
- UCATS - Looking at Atmospheric Trace Gases to Understand Climate and Air Quality
- WI - ICOS - Looking at Heavy Water to Discover How Much Water Vapor Enters the Stratosphere
- HAL - A Wellness Check on the Ozone Layer Using Atmospheric Chemistry
- AWAS - How we Sample Air in the Stratosphere
- HWV - Using real time data to detect water vapor plumes in the upper atmosphere
- ROSE, CANOE, CAFE - Instruments Used by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to Research the Atmosphere
- MMS - Measuring Temperature and Pressure to Understand the Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere
Superheroes of Science Interviews
- What is Climate Change and how do we really know?
- What are aerosols, where are they, and why we should care.
- Is this the Dustpocalypse? Saharan dust storms explained.
- Brighter clouds? Current research on pollution can explain chemical and physical cloud properties.
- What happens to clouds when pollution in our atmosphere drops by 30%?
- Chaos of the Weather: An Interview with a Meteorologist
- Dan Cziczo explains aerosols, the hole in the ozone layer, CFC, air particles, and clouds.

Thank you for your support
This work was supported by the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Summer Stratosphere (DCOTSS) project. DCOTSS is funded by the NASA Earth Science Division Earth Venture Suborbital 3 program, which includes grant NSSC80NSSC19K1058 to Purdue University