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Dr. Ernest Agee

Professor Emeritus Dr. Ernest Agee
Curriculum Vitae
Associated website(s):

Purdue Climate Change Research Center , Atmospheric Science

  • Ph.D., University of Missouri (Atmospheric Science)
  • M.S., University of Missouri (Atmospheric Science)
  • B.S., Eastern Kentucky University (Math & Physics)
Research Interests
  • Severe local storms & tornadoes
  • Climate change & extreme weather
Teaching Interests
  • EAS 117 Introduction to Atmospheric Science
  • EAS 133 Profession of Meteorology
  • EAS 138 Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
  • EAS 230 Survey of Meteorology
  • EAS 391Introduction to Atmospheric Science for Engineers/Physical Scientists
  • EAS 421 Application of Microcomputers to Meteorology
  • EAS 422 Atmospheric Dynamics I
  • EAS 423 Atmospheric Dynamics II
  • EAS 538 Cumulus Dynamics
  • EAS 639 Atmospheric Fluid Dynamics
  • EAS 690 Seminar in Atmospheric Science
  • EAS 698 MS Thesis Research
  • EAS 699 Ph.D. Dissertation Research
Awards/Honors Appointment/Elections
  • COS Undergraduate Mentoring Award (2014)
  • Graduate School Distinguished Alumnus Award, Univ. of Missouri, May (2011)
  • Cleveland Abbe Award, American Meteorological Society, May (2010)
  • COS Graduate Student Mentoring Award (2007)
  • EAS Outstanding Teaching Award (2004)
  • UCAR Science Advocate Award (2003, 2004)
  • Purdue University 's Scientific Member Representative to UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder , Colorado), 1984-2013.
  • Member, Board on Oceans and Atmosphere, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1993-98. Elected to 3-year term on the Executive Committee, 1995-98.
  • Sagamore of the Wabash, Named by Governor Evan Bayh (Indiana), 1990.
  • USA representative, The International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP); Chairman - USA IAMAP subcommittee; Member - IAMAP Cloud Dynamics Group; 1980-88.
  • Member, The United States National Committee, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; nominated by the American Geophysical Union and appointed by the National Academy of Sciences, 1982-85 and 1985-88.
  • Member, AMS-STAC Committee on Mesoscale Meteorology, American Meteorological Society (AMS), 1985-88.
  • Trustee, The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), elected to the board by the 51 member university consortium, 1979-83.
  • Member, UCAR Nominating Committee, 1988-89; chairman, 1990.
  • Vice Chairman UNIDATA Policy Committee and Executive Committee, appointed by UCAR President, 1983-88.
  • Member, NOAA Profiler Committee, appointed by Director of NOAA-ERL, 1987-88.
  • Member, STORM Program Scientific Steering Committee and Data Management Working Group, appointed by UCAR and NOAA, 1983-88.
  • Chairman, UCAR Personnel Policy Committee, 1981-83.
  • Fellow, American Meteorological Society, elected in 1982.
  • Member, Education and Manpower Commission, AMS, 1976-80.
  • Eastern Kentucky University Awards:
    • Hall of Fame, 1997
    • Outstanding Alumnus Award, 1987
    • Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1976
Professional Experience
  • July 2009-January 2010 - Interim Department Head, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
  • 2005 – 2009, Professor and Associate Head, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
  • 2004, Professor and Acting Department Head, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
  • 1978-present Professor, Dept. of Earth & atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University.
  • 1990-1996 Head, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University.
  • 1972-1978 Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University.
  • 1968-1972 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University.
  • May 1984 Invited Distinguished Scientist, Dept. of Physics, Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, Utrecht University , The Netherlands
  • Summer, 1983 Invited Distinguished Scientist, NOAA Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO
  • August 1981 Invited Lecturer, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, University of Hamburg and Convener, IAMAP Special Assembly, Hamburg , FRG
  • Summer, 1980 Visiting Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder , CO
  • Summer, 1979 Lecturer, NCAR's Advanced Study program for Women and Minorities, Boulder, CO
  • February 1974, 75 Scientific Participant, The Air Mass Transformation Experiment - a meteorology/oceanography field expedition over the East China Sea, invited by the Japanese government
  • August 1974, 75 Invited lecturer, Japan Meteorological Agency and University of Tokyo, sponsored by the USA-Japan Cooperative Science program
Selected Publications
  • Agee, Ernest and Lindsey Taylor, 2019: Historical Analysis of U.S. Tornado Fatalities (1808-2017): Population, Science and Technology. J.Wea.Clim & Soc. Amer.Met.Soc., 11 , 355-368.
  • Agee, Ernest and Jennifer Larson, Samuel Childs and Alexandra Marmo, 2016: Spatial Redistribution of U.S. Tornado Activity between 1954 and 2013. J.Appl.Meteor & Clim , 55, 1681-1697.
  • Agee, Ernest and Andrea Orton, 2016: An Initial Laboratory Prototype Experiment for Sequestration of Atmospheric CO 2 . J. Appl. Meteor, & Clim. 55, 1763-1770.
  • Agee, Ernest and Samuel Childs, 2014: Adjustments in Tornado Counts, F-Scale Intensity and Path Width for Assessing Significant Tornado Destruction. J. Appl. Meteor. & Clim., 53, 1494-1505.
  • Agee, Ernest, Andrea Orton and John Rogers, 2013: CO2 Snow Deposition in Antarctica to Curtail Anthropogenic Global Warming. J.Appl. Meteor. & Clim. 52, 281-288.
  • Agee, Ernest, Kandace Kiefer and Emily Cornett, 2012: Relationship of Lower Trop Cloud Cover and Cosmic Rays: An Updated Perspective. J.Clim., 25, 1057-1060.
  • Agee, Ernest Agee and Alyssa Hendricks, 2011: An Assessment of the Climatology of Florida Hurricane-Induced Tornadoes: Tech. vs Meteorology, J.Clim., 24, 5218-5222.
  • Agee, E. M., E. Cornett, and K. Gleason, 2010: An extended solar cycle 23 with deep minimum transition to cycle 24: Assessments and climate ramifications. J. Climate, 23 , 6110-6114.
  • Agee, E. and E. Jones, 2009: Proposed conceptual taxonomy for proper identification and classification of tornado events. Wea. Forecasting , 24, 609-617.

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