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Dr. John Cushman

Professor Emeritus Dr. John Cushman
Curriculum Vitae
Associated website(s):
Google Scholar , Personal website , Geodata Science Initiative

Professor Emeritus
  • B.S. - Math - Iowa State University, 1975
  • M.S. - Math & Agronomy - Iowa State University, 1976
  • Ph.D. - Math & Agronomy - Iowa State University, 1978
Research Interests

Physics of fluids in porous media, Stochastic processes, Computational chemistry, Swelling media

Teaching Interests
  • Agronomy 675/Math 698 Physics of Fluids in Porous Media
    (taught in both Math and Agronomy at the 600 level)
  • Agronomy 498 Unsaturated Zone Hydrology
  • Other courses taught :   The Physics of Nanofilms, Dispersion in Porous Media, Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics, Stochastic Hydrology, Continuum and Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity, Stochastic Transport Processes, Advanced Soil Physics, Stochastic Soil Physics, Multiphase Transport, Numerical Methods in Hydrology, Statistical Mechanics with Applications to Clay-Water Systems, Soil Physical Properties.
  • EAS 591C Mathematics of Upscalling
  • EAS 591D Analysis of Spatial/Temporal Proc. Gphys.
Awards and Honors
  • Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 1996
  • Purdue University Herbert Newby McCoy Award, 1995, given in honor of the faculty member who made the most significant contribution to science during the previous year
  • Editor-in-Chief: the International Journal of Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 1992-1997
  • Guest Editor: special volume on Fractal Porous Media for the Journal of Transport in Porous Media 13(1), 1993
  • Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal: Transport in Porous Media, 1991-
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal: Water Resources Research, 1990-
  • Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal: Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 1990-1992
  • Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal: Advances in Water Resources, 1986-1988
  • Fellow, Soil Science Society of America, 1990
  • Appointed by Secretaries of Energy Hodel and Herrington to be a member of the Secretary of Energy's Subcommittee on Ecology, 1985-1986
  • Appointed by Secretaries of Energy Hodel and Herrington to be a member of the Secretary of Energy's Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee, 1985-1988
  • Purdue University Agriculture Research Award for development of a model to simulate uptake of ions by growing roots, 1983
Professional Experience
  • 2001 (Fall) Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University
  • 1998 (Fall) Visiting Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, University of Rome I (La Sapienza)
  • 1995 (Fall) Visiting Professor of Applied Mathematics, Departmento de Matematica, PUC-RIO, Brazil
  • 1995 - Professor of Mathematics, Purdue University
  • 1994 - 1995 Visiting Professor of Applied Mathematics, Purdue University
  • 1985 - 1988 President, Hydroscience Associates, Inc.
  • 1984 - 1988 Director of the Indiana Water Resources Research Center
  • 1985 - Professor of Agronomy (Environmental Physics), Purdue University
  • 1982 - 1985 Associate Professor of Agronomy (Environmental Physics), Purdue University
  • 1978 - 1982 Assistant Professor of Agronomy (Environmental Physics), Purdue University
Selected Publications - Google Scholar Page for a complete list of publications
  • Park*, M., D. O’Malley* and J. H. Cushman (2013) Generalized similarity/renormalization groups and nonlinear clocks for multi scaling. Phys Rev E (submitted).
  • O’Malley*, D. and J. H.Cushman (2013) Ubiquity of, and geostatistics for, nonstationary increment random fields. Water Resources Research, 49(7): 4525-4529.
  • O’Malley*, D., J. H. Cushman and G. Johnson* (2013) Random renormalization groups and Bayesian scaling of dispersion/diffusion in Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico. Geophy. Res. Lett. 40(17):4638-4642.
  • Cushman, J. H ., D. O’Malley* and M. Park* (2013) Anomalous Diffusion, Renormalization Groups, Scaling Laws and Classification: A Reflection on Recent Efforts. Advances in Water Resources. 62:207-214.
  • O’Malley*, D., J. H. Cushman and L. Flesch (2013) Global sensitivity analysis for a micropolar Stokes flow problem. Int. J. Multiscale Computational Engineering. 11(4):359-368.
  • O’Malley*, D. and J. H. Cushman (2012) Random Renormalization Group Operators Applied to Stochastic Dynamics. J. Stat. Phys. 149:943-950.
  • O’Malley*, D. and J. H. Cushman (2012) Two Scale Renormalization Group Classification of Diffusive Processes. Phys. Rev. E. 86 (1) Article Number: 011126.
  • O’Malley*, D. and J. H. Cushman (2012) A Renormalization Group Classification of Nonstationary and/or Infinite Second Moment Diffusive Processes. J. Stat. Phys. 146(5): 989-1000.
  • Kleinfelter-Domelle*, N. and J. H. Cushman (2012) The Role of Connectivity in the Theory of Saturated/Unsaturated Flow in Swelling Porous Media. Water Res. Research. (48): W001543, 1-16
  • O’Malley*, D., J. H. Cushman and P. O’Rear* (2012) Fractional Brownian Motion with Non-stationary Increments: Generation of Random Fields. Water Resour. Res. 48:W03201, 1-6.
  • Cushman, J. H ., M. Park*,and D O’Malley* (2011) A Stochastic Model for Diffusion in Confined Nano-films Near a Strain Induced Critical Point. Adv Water Resour. 34(4):490-494.
  • O’Malley*, D., J. H. Cushman , and G. Johnson* (2011) Scaling Laws for Fractional Brownian Motion with a Power-law Clock. J Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment L01001:1-9.
  • Park*, M. and J. H. Cushman (2011) The Complexity of Brownian Processes Run With Non-linear Clocks. Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 25(1), 1-10
  • Cushman, J.H ., M. Park*, M. Moroni*, N. Kleinfelter-Domelle* and D. O’Malley* (2011) A Universal Field Equation for Dispersive Processes in Geophysics. Stoch. Env. Research. and Risk Assesment 25,1-10.
  • O’Malley*, D. and J. H. Cushman (2010) Fractional Brownian Motion Run with a Nonlinear Clock. Phys. Rev. E. 82(3).
  • Cushman, J. H. , M. Park* and D. O’Malley* (2009) The Chaotic Dynamics of Super- Diffusion Revisited. Geophys. Res. Lett.36, L08812,1-4.
  • Cushman, J.H ., D. O’Malley* and M. Park* (2009) Anomalous Diffusion as Modeled by a Non-stationary Extension of Brownian Motion. Phys Rev E. 79 , 032101: 1-4.
  • Park*, M. and J. H. Cushman (2009) Operator-Stable Levy Motions and Renormalizing the Chaotic Dynamics of Microbes in Anisotropic Porous Media. J Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment. P02039:1-11
  • Moroni*, M., A. Cenedese and J.H. Cushman (2009) Application of 3D-PTV to Track Passive Scalars in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media. 79(1), 43-65.
  • Moroni*, M., N. Kleinfelter-Domelle* and J. H. Cushman (2009) Novel Measures of Dispersion Applied to a Convoluted Channel. Advances in Water Resources 32:737-749.
  • Kleinfelter-Domelle*, N., M. Moroni* and J.H. Cushman (2008) The Generalized Dispersion Tensor Revisited: Theory and Calculation for Homogeneous Porous Media. Phys Fluids (submitted).
  • Cushman, J. H. (2008) Why Does Dispersivity Often Grow as a Power Law in Time? An Answer. Water Resour Res (submitted).
  • Cushman, J.H ., M. Park* and D. O’Malley* (2008) The Chaotic Dynamics of Anomalous Diffusion as Modeled by a Non-stationary Extension of Brownian Motion. Phys Rev Lett (submitted).
  • Park*, M. and J. H. Cushman (2008) Operator-Stable Levy Motions and Renormalizing the Chaotic Dynamics of Microbes in Anisotropic Porous Media. SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (in press)
  • Parashar*, R., D. O’Malley* and J. H. Cushman (2008) Mean First Passage Time for Super-Diffusion in a Slit-Pore with Sticky Boundary. Phys. Rev. E. (in press).
  • Cushman, J.H ., M. Moroni*, N. Kleinfelter-Domelle* and M. Park* (2008) A Universal Field Equation for Dispersive Processes in Geophysics. J. Geophysical Research (submitted).
  • Moroni*, M., A. Cenedese and J.H. Cushman (2008) Application of 3D-PTV to Track Passive Scalars in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media (in press).
  • Moroni*, M., N. Kleinfelter-Domelle* and J. H. Cushman (2008) Novel Measures of Dispersion Applied to a Convoluted Channel. Advances in Water Resources (in press). 4
  • Parashar*, R. and J. H. Cushman (2008) Scaling the Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation for Numerical Evaluation of Microbial Dynamics in Confined Geometries With Sticky Boundaries. J Computational Physics 227:6598-6611.
  • Weinstein*, T., J. H. Cushman and L. S. Bennethum* (2008) Two-Scale, Three-Phase Theory for Swelling Drug Delivery Systems. Part I: Mixture Theory. J. Pharm Sci 97(5): 1878-1903.
  • Weinstein*, T., J. H. Cushman and L. S. Bennethum* (2008) Two-Scale, Three-Phase Theory for Swelling Drug Delivery Systems. Part II: Flow and Transport. J. Pharm Sci 97(5): 1904-1915.

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