Jonathan Delph
Assistant Professor![Jonathan Delph](
Curriculum Vitae
Associated website(s):
Personal Website , Computational Seismology and Tectonics , Geology and Geophysics
- 2016 Ph.D., Geosciences, University of Arizona
- 2012 B.S., Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
Research Interests
The crux of my research relies on creating high-resolution images of crustal and uppermost mantle structure; a challenging area considering the largest variations in seismic characteristics occur at these depths. Improving and modifying seismic imaging techniques is necessary to advance our understanding of how tectonic events are manifest in the seismic characteristics of a region. In my research, I have developed new approaches for the creation of 3D shear-wave velocity models that improve the lateral resolution of geologic structures at depth through the joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and adaptively binned receiver function data. I am also interested in applying seismic interferometry techniques to understand how tectonic events influence spatial and/or temporal variations in the seismic properties of the crust.
Selected Publications:
Delph JR , Thomas AM, Levander A, “Linking variable expressions of subduction along the Cascadia forearc” Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (in press)
Cosca MA, Reid MR, Delph JR , Whitney DL, Teyssier C, Kuşcu G, Blichert-Toft J, & Rojay B “Temporal and geochemical evolution of Quaternary magmatism associated with the Anatolia-Arabia-Africa triple junction” Geosphere, doi:10.1130/GES02266.1
Condit CB, Guevara VE, Delph JR , & French ME “Punctuated slab dehydration at depths of episodic tremor and slip in warm subduction zones” Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 552, 116601, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116601
Koch C, Lynner C, Delph JR , Beck SL, Meltzer A, Soto-Cordero L, Hoskins M, Stachnik J, Ruiz M, Alvarado A, Font Y, Agurto-Detzel H, Charvis P, Regnier M, & Rietbrock A “Structure of the Ecuadorian Forearc from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions And Ambient Noise Surface Waves” Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa237
Delph JR , Levander A, & Niu F (2019) “Constraining crustal properties using receiver functions and the autocorrelation of earthquake-generated body waves” Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2019JB017929
Reid MR, Delph JR , Cosca MA, Schleiffarth WK, & Kuscu, GG (2019) “Melt equilibratio n depths as sensors of lithospheric thickness during Eurasia-Arabia collision and the uplift of the Anatolian Plateau” Geology , doi:10.1130/G46420.1
Delph JR , Levander A, Niu F (2018) "Fluid controls on the heterogeneous seismic characteristics of the Cascadia margin", Geophysical Research Letters , 45, 11021-11029, doi:10.1029/2018GL079518
Portner DE, Delph JR , Biryol CB, Beck SL, Zandt G, Ozacar AA, Sandvol E, & Turkelli N, (2018) "Subduction termination through progressive slab deformation across eastern Mediterranean subduction zones from updated P-wave tomography beneath Anatolia", Geosphere , 14, 907-925, doi:10.1130/GES01617.1
For a full list of publications, visit Prof. Delph's personal webpage
Other Published Correspondences
Delph JR , Singer BS, & Dufek J (2018) “Geoscientists collaborate to understand silicic magma systems” Eos, 99,
Ward KM, Delph JR , & Beck SL, (2016) “Extending recent seismic imaging successes to South America” Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO051271