
Ernest Agee
- Professor Emeritus
- Severe Weather
- 765-494-3282
- eagee@purdue.edu

Michael Baldwin
- Professor Emeritus
- Weather forecasting
- 765-494-0345
- baldwin@purdue.edu

Dean Ballotti
- Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Instruction
- HAMP 4282
- 765-496-1974
- ballotti@purdue.edu

Cauê Borlina
- Gerald H. & Sharon D. Krockover New Frontiers Professor
- Planetary Formation and Evolution, Habitability, Magnetism, Paleomagnetism
- HAMP 3277-D
- 765-496-2706
- cborlina@purdue.edu

Larry Braile
- Professor Emeritus Seismology
- Seismology
- braile@purdue.edu

Ali Bramson
- Assistant Professor
- Planetary Surfaces
- HAMP 3215
- 765-494-0279
- bramsona@purdue.edu

Roger Nicholas Bryant
- Assistant Professor
- Earth History, Sedimentary Geochemistry
- HAMP 3277-A
- rnbryant@purdue.edu

Marc Caffee
- EAPS Courtesy & Professor of Physics
- PHYS S177
- 765-494-5381
- mcaffee@physics.purdue.edu

Daniel Chavas
- Associate Professor
- Climate and extreme weather
- HAMP 3221
- 765-496-6661
- dchavas@purdue.edu

Erik Meade Conway
- Full Professor Of Practice
- HAMP 2279
- emconway@purdue.edu

Maxim Couillard
- Visiting Instructor
- HAMP 4280
- 765-494-6581
- mcouilla@purdue.edu

John Cushman
- Professor Emeritus
- Geohydrology, applied mathematics
- jcushman@purdue.edu

Daniel Cziczo
- Professor
- Atmospheric Aerosols
- HAMP 4267-D
- djcziczo@purdue.edu

Daniel Dawson
- Associate Professor
- Severe Weather
- HAMP 4277-A
- 765-494-5999
- dandawson@purdue.edu

Jonathan Delph
- Assistant Professor
- Seismology, Tectonics
- HAMP 2271
- 765-494-5979
- jdelph@purdue.edu

Andrea Donnellan
- Department Head of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and Professor
- HAMP 2169-A
- 765-494-3258
- andread@purdue.edu

Michael Eddy
- Assistant Professor
- Igneous Petrology, Tectonics
- HAMP 3271
- mpeddy@purdue.edu

Timothy Filley
- Adjunct Professor
- Biogeochemistry
- filley@purdue.edu

Lucy Flesch
- Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science and Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
- Geophysics
- DSAI 1025B
- 765-494-1729
- lmflesch@purdue.edu

Joseph Francisco
- Professor Emeritus Atmospheric Chemistry
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- francisc@purdue.edu

Andrew Freed
- Professor
- Planetary Geophysics
- HAMP 3269
- 765-496-3738
- freed@purdue.edu

Marty Frisbee
- Associate Professor
- Hydrogeology
- HAMP 3243
- 765-494-8678
- mdfrisbee@purdue.edu

Alexander Gluhovsky
- Professor Emeritus
- Atmospheric Time Series
- 765-497-9457
- aglu@purdue.edu

Darryl Granger
- College of Science Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Professor
- Env. Geoscience
- DSAI 1025C
- 765-494-0043
- dgranger@purdue.edu

Beth Hall
- Indiana State Climate Office Director
- LILY 3-333
- 765-494-8060
- BethHall@purdue.edu

Saad Haq
- Associate Professor of Practice
- Structural Geology, Tectonics
- HAMP 3241
- 765-496-7206
- haq@purdue.edu

Jon Harbor
- Senior Advisor to the Provost and Emeritus Professor
- Env. Education
- jharbor@purdue.edu

Harshvardhan Harshvardhan
- Professor Emeritus
- harshvar@purdue.edu

William Hinze
- Professor Emeritus
- Geophysics
- wjh730@comcast.net

Briony Horgan
- Professor
- Planetary Geology
- HAMP 3233
- 765-496-2290
- briony@purdue.edu

Matthew Huber
- Professor and Director for the Institute for a Sustainable Future
- Climate Change
- HAMP 4286
- huberm@purdue.edu

Joseph Hupy
- EAPS Courtesy
- jhupy@purdue.edu
Alexandria Johnson
- Assistant Professor
- Planetary Atmospheres, Cloud Microphysics
- HAMP 4267-A
- avjohns@purdue.edu

Brandon Johnson
- Professor
- Impact Cratering
- HAMP 3227
- bcjohnson@purdue.edu

Cliff Johnston
- Professor
- Soil Chemistry
- LILY 3-464
- cliffjohnston@purdue.edu

Alexander Laskin
- Professor Of Chemistry
- BRWN 5131B
- 765-494-5243
- alaskin@purdue.edu

Yunyue Elita Li
- Mary J. Elmore New Frontiers Associate Professor in Data Science in EAPS and (by courtesy) Mathematics
- HAMP 2285-D
- 765-49-66647
- elitali@purdue.edu

Nathaniel Lifton
- Professor & Associate Head
- Quaternary Geology
- HAMP 3275
- 765-494-0754
- nlifton@purdue.edu

Guang Lin
- College of Science Associate Dean of Research and Innovation | Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering
- Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning, uncertainty quantification, scientific computing
- DSAI 1025E
- 765 49-41965
- guanglin@purdue.edu

Greg Michalski
- Professor
- Biogeochemistry
- HAMP 3229
- 765-494-3704
- gmichals@purdue.edu

David Minton
- Associate Professor
- Planet Formation
- HAMP 3231
- 765-494-3292
- daminton@purdue.edu

Daniel Murphy
- Adjunct Professor
- Aerosol Properties and Processes
- murph517@purdue.edu

Jennifer Nelson
- Senior Lecturer
- HAMP 4284
- 765-494-0033
- nelso498@purdue.edu

Robert Nowack
- Professor Emeritus
- Seismology
- HAMP 2275
- 765-494-5978
- nowack@purdue.edu

Stephanie Olson
- Assistant Professor
- Earth history, Astrobiology, Exoplanets, Planetary Climate and Habitability
- HAMP 2285-C
- 765-496-0810
- stephanieolson@purdue.edu

Andrea Orton
- Lecturer
- HAMP 4288
- 765-496-3526
- aorton@purdue.edu

Ben Pearce
- Assistant Professor
- Origins of Life, Astrobiology, Early Earth, Titan, Atmospheric Chemistry
- HAMP 4267-C
- benpearce@purdue.edu

Gouri Prabhakar
- Assistant Professor Of Practice EAPS
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, Aerosols and Climate
- HAMP 4259-B
- gourip@purdue.edu

Kelsey Prissel
- Assistant Professor
- Experimental Petrology, High-temperature Geochemistry
- HAMP 3277-C
- 765-494-0484
- kprissel@purdue.edu

Tabb Prissel
- Assistant Professor
- Origins of igneous rocks
- HAMP 3245
- 765-496-2706
- tprissel@purdue.edu

Laura Pyrak-Nolte
- Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy
- Applied Geophysics
- PHYS 166
- 765-494-3027
- ljpn@physics.purdue.edu

Di Qi
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- Computational and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 644
- 765 49-46057
- qidi@purdue.edu

Kenneth Ridgway
- Professor
- Sedimentary geology, basin analysis, tectonics
- HAMP 3277-B
- 765-494-3269
- ridge@purdue.edu

Doug Schmitt
- Professor and Stephen and Karen Brand Endowed Chair of Unconventional Energy
- HAMP 2281
- 765-496-0507
- schmitt@purdue.edu

Jie Shan
- EAPS Courtesy & Professor Of Civil Engineering
- Geospatial Data Analytics, GIS, Remote Sensing
- HAMP 4110
- jshan@purdue.edu

Dan Shepardson
- Professor Emeritus
- Geoenv. Education
- HAMP 2285-B
- 765-494-8181
- dshep@purdue.edu

Paul Shepson
- Professor Emeritus
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- pshepson@purdue.edu

Yuch-Ning Shieh
- Professor Emeritus
- Biogeochemistry
- ynshieh@purdue.edu

Phillip Smith
- Professor Emeritus
- Dynamic Meteorology
- 765-714-1055
- Pjs102@comcast.net

Michael Sori
- Assistant Professor
- Planetary Geophysics & Surface Processes
- HAMP 2277
- 765-496-5235
- msori@purdue.edu

Wen-Yih Sun
- Professor Emeritus
- Geofluid Dynamics
- HAMP 4280
- 765-494-7681
- wysun@purdue.edu

Robin Tanamachi
- Associate Professor
- Severe Weather
- HAMP 4259-A
- 765-496-2866
- rtanamachi@purdue.edu

Michelle Thompson
- Associate Professor
- Planetary Materials
- HAMP 3217
- 765-494-8677
- mthompson@purdue.edu

Marissa Tremblay
- Assistant Professor
- Noble Gas Geochemistry
- HAMP 3225
- 765-494-1255
- tremblam@purdue.edu

Wen-Wen Tung
- Associate Professor and Director of Geodata Science for Professionals MS Program
- Data Science, Climate Science, Tropical Meteorology
- HAMP 3219
- 765-494-0272
- wwtung@purdue.edu

Michael Vermeuel
- Assistant Professor
- Tropospheric Chemistry, Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- HAMP 4267-B
- 765-496-3748
- mvermeue@purdue.edu

Lei Wang
- Assistant Professor
- Atmospheric Dynamics, Climate
- HAMP 2285-B
- 765-494-3177
- leiwang@purdue.edu
Lisa Welp
- Associate Professor
- Biogeochemistry
- HAMP 3239
- 765-496-6896
- lwelp@purdue.edu

Terry West
- Professor Emeritus
- Engineering Geology
- HAMP 3245
- 765-494-3296
- trwest@purdue.edu

Roger Wiens
- Professor
- HAMP 3223
- 765-494-8040
- rwiens@purdue.edu

Xiaotao Yang
- Assistant Professor
- Seismology, Tectonics, Earthquake Hazards
- HAMP 2273
- 765-494-8681
- xtyang@purdue.edu

Qianlai Zhuang
- Professor and Director of Geodata Science for Professionals MS Program
- Climate Change
- HAMP 2269
- 765-494-9610
- qzhuang@purdue.edu

William Zinsmeister
- Professor Emeritus
- Biogeography
- wjzins@purdue.edu

Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer
- EAPS Courtesy & Women in Engineering Associate Director
- ARMS 1245
- zurnbirk@purdue.edu